Moving Cultures, Transcultural Encounters

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A Master’s programme offered by the Faculty of Modern Languages of




Dr. Pavan Malreddy / Prof. Dr. Frank Schulze-Engler
Department of English and American Studies
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
D-60629 Frankfurt am Main
To make an appointment:
Phone: 069/798-32352

Prof. Dr. Jacopo Torregrossa
Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
D-60629 Frankfurt am Main
To make an appointment:
Phone: 069/798-32021

Study Abroad

The Moving Cultures programme offers a great variety of options to study or work abroad. Some exchange opportunities are organised directly by the professors, please contact them to find out more. Furthermore, there are a variety of programmes offered by Goethe University’s Global Office, which you can find out more about on their website.

Please notice the following application deadlines for exchange programmes in the academic year 2023/24:

Direct exchange programmes USA and Canada
Applications are open until 15 November 2022.
Further information:

Applications are open until 1 February 2023.
Further information:

Direct exchange programmes with partner universities in Japan, China, South Korea, Israel, Czech Republic and Brazil 
Applications are open until the beginning of February 2023 (calls for applications will be updated in the course of the winter term 22/23).
Further information:

Exchange with universities in Australia as part of the Hessen-Queensland programme in 2024
Application deadline in May 2023 (calls for applications will be updated in spring 2023).
Further information:

Students who would like to apply for a semester abroad in the academic year 2023/24 within the framework of a faculty cooperation (not Erasmus), please register or apply via the following website:

Information for freemovers can be found at If you are studying abroad as a freemover, please register under this link.

If you have any questions about the above programmes, please contact the Global Office:
For questions about studying abroad:
For questions about internships abroad: